Sunday, November 26, 2023

Farewell Sanctuary, my beautiful beloveds

Once upon a time, nearly eight years ago, some of us did something very foolish. A bunch of people who had mostly drifted away from church or were burned by church or had been rejected by church bumped into a quirky minister on holiday, and wondered if they might try again ... Read here or listen here.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Matthew | Who profits? Who pays?

Once upon a time, there was a billionaire who was rather fond of cage fighting. But what with the collapse of an overseas stock market, and a royal commission, and a great deal of lobbying to protect his interests, he’d had a hard year. He needed to take some me-time, and chillax. But before he went away, he called in his chief investors ... a story and a hermeneutic. Read here or listen here.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Matthew | Ten foolish bridesmaids, embraced

Ten bridesmaids. We may hear this story as a Boy Scout lesson: Be prepared! Then we find some sick hungry homeless people, in order to earn our service badge and win the approval of our scoutmaster-king. But some of us are less confident about our belonging, and hear the story differently. Tonight from Sanctuary ... read here or listen here.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Matthew | Authority in the church

Look for leaders who love. Beware any setting, structure or dynamic where pastors don’t have external supervision, power is unchecked, accountability is opaque, or judgement, fear or shame are being deployed. Jesus came to bring truth and transparency, healing and wholeness, love, life and peace: so seek out those who radiate these qualities with good humour, humility and grace ... Read here or listen here.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Matthew | The demands of love

Perhaps you’ve seen About a Boy, which is really about two boys, or maybe more. One is twelve-year-old Marcus, growing up in precarious circumstances. The other is the beautifully named Will Freeman. Will is a man-child whose wealth has insulated him from other people, and from life itself. Yet through one of his most selfish decisions, he’s thrown into the path of young Marcus; and Marcus begins to make demands on him ...

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Philippians | In the depths of anguish, joy

n these days of terror and sadness, in this time of myriad personal and public griefs, in the bleak and terrible NO from the Australian electorate, in the anguish of many First Nations people, in the wounds of the earth and the worries about climate and the cries from Israel and Palestine and everywhere else, we can still know joy.

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Matthew | Called to be custodians

In a world racked by climate change, we need the wisdom of custodians. Read here or listen here.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Matthew, Exodus | Seventy-seven leads to hell or heaven


When we are wounded, our work is to interrupt the cycles of hurt and trauma and violence. And when we say "I forgive you" and "This stops with me", we are declaring our own freedom. We become part of something new and healing, life-giving, good; we become citizens of the commonwealth of heaven ...

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Matthew | The rigours and joys of love


Turning towards one another inevitably leads to conflict, and that means work. Read here or listen here.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Exodus | The god of freedom

We worship an intimate, responsive, changing God who gets involved in the mess of human history and calls us to shape the future by our choices. Some choices are better than others, sure. But because the future is not yet set, there is no single path ...

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Exodus | Agents of joyful rebellion

The story of exodus points to the joy-filled possibilities of civil disobedience.

Read here, or listen here.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Matthew | Redeeming Joshua

I’m from one of the oldest families,’ he said. ‘We’ve been here since the beginning.’ And with that he effectively erased 60,000 years of continuous living culture, just as his Irish ancestors had tried to erase the people from the land. He’s a lovely guy, straightforward and well-meaning, and totally oblivious to what he had just done ...

Read here, or listen here.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Jesus, now lead on


It takes a special sort of energy to plant something new; now its time for me to move on. I’ve been listening to the fields, and they’re telling me to lie fallow for a while. I’ve been listening to the birds, and they’re pointing me back to Melbourne and our little flock of family and friends. And I’ve been listening to the beautiful rivers which flow through this region, and they’re assuring me that the water of life will never run out – but that which wells up in me must soon be redirected ...

Read here.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Genesis | Striving with God and men

 A few weeks ago, I organised and hosted a ministers’ gathering. Near the end of the session, one of the ministers suddenly went on a rant about the failings of the church in the West. The church is collapsing, he said, because of the blurring of gender roles that began in the 1960’s and continues to this day. And there was I, sitting in a room full of men with my boots and jeans, close cropped hair, zero make up, and not a floral in sight—and all the authority which was conferred upon me through the rite of ordination.

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Romans | While Rhodes burns

An homage to Targum, reading Romans 8 through an ecological lens this hottest month on record. Read here or listen here

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Genesis | The god of betwixt and between

God meets us in liminal spaces, when all our defences are down. Read here or listen here.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Genesis | Alt*red state: A text of terror brings good news

The usual interpretation of the binding of Isaac is that God may require us to sacrifice everything, even, if asked, our own children: but a contextual awareness changes everything. 

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Romans | Practice resurrection

In the face of sin, death and injustice, we are called to walk in newness of life.  A Wendell Berry / Apostle Paul mashup. Read here or listen here.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Genesis | Abram: Our ancestor-colonizer

Leave your country, your kin, and your ancestral home, you poverty-stricken Cornishfolk, for a land which I will show you. It’s the colony of South Australia ... the story of Abram points to a more just settlement, paving the way to Voice and Treaty.

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Acts | And they were all together in one place ...

We here at Sanctuary used to gather regularly in one place. So what happened? And what comes next? Read here or listen here.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Acts | Just look around!

A woman dies, her children are young: where is God? A longed-for baby is stillborn: where is God? Tonight we remember the Ascension, when the Risen Christ in the form of Jesus left his disciples once and for all. So where is God? Well, it seems that God has left the planet, and we are left with nothing at all ... 

Read here, or listen here.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

1,2 Peter | A people founded on love

You are a chosen race,’ writes Peter, ‘a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people.’ Really? In the leadup to the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), at least half a dozen LGBTIQA+ events here in Victoria have been cancelled. In the media and online, some far-right ‘Christians’ are claiming an exclusive truth and ‘breathing threats and murder’ towards gay people, trans people, and others; councils are so worried they are shutting things down ...

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Acts | The four devotions

Three key practices, no, four, shape a dynamic resurrection faith. Read here, or listen here.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Luke | The road to newness

Because darkness isn't enough, and despair isn't enough, and the way things are certainly isn't enough. Walking the Emmaus Road - read here or listen here

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Matthew | Pride parade

I know I’m not the only person here who finds the palm parade a little awkward, a little cringe-worthy. We look ridiculous, waving jackets and branches as we sing our way into the building. But compared to Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, it’s very tame indeed. Because in that story, you have a bloke on a wacky ride surrounded by a bunch of shirtless guys waving stuff and singing in public. It’s joyful, vulnerable, disruptive; and the modern equivalent which comes to mind is a pride parade ... Read here, or listen here.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Ezekiel | Dem dry colonial bones

It is tempting to reflect on the bones. The massacre site that is now a fast food restaurant just a couple of blocks from Sanctuary. The bones which still wash up from time to time on the beach near Peterborough. The babies’ bones buried six feet under at the missions. The bones which were scattered throughout the landscape, left to rot in every lake, valley and hollow, left lying in the paddocks to dry out in the sun. It’s tempting to focus on the bones: because our history and geography are studded with other people’s bones ...

A reflection for white settlers living on stolen land. Read here or listen here.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

John | Trans/forming

John 9: It could be the story of a trans person becoming integrated. ‘It’s still me,’ she says, ‘in fact, this is who I really am, who I was all along.’ But nobody is listening. Instead, they argue about her; they drag in the parents; they try to apportion blame.

Read here or listen here.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Panmure swimming holy

I am prayer-reading the story of Jesus’ baptism. Using the tools of lectio divina, I read it slowly once, twice, three times. Using my sacred imagination, I place myself in the crowd, watching; as a priest, coming down against this baptism; as John, holding people close as I plunge them into the river … and suddenly I am in the golden light of the waters of the Panmure swimming hole ...

Read here, where you will find a daily reflection from a member of the Sanctuary crowd every day to Easter all about faith in our locality.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Matthew | So you're God's child. Now what?

‘Since you’re the son of God,’ says the devilish examiner in Matthew’s story, ‘turn these stones to bread.’ Use your power for your own ends. Whip up a miracle, and feed yourself. ‘Since you’re the son of God,’ says the examiner, ‘jump off The Pinnacle.’ Create a spectacle, sell tickets, hold a circus. Let everyone see God’s angels save you: it’ll be great advertising for your little movement. And anyway, it’s all in scripture. According to Psalm 91, ‘The angels will catch you and raise you up — you won’t even stub your toe!’ (vv. 11-12) ...

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Matthew | Kill 'em with kindness

Be like God and kill ‘em with kindness, no matter what the bastards dish up. 

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Matthew | Self-regulation, the law and the prophets

If I said I’d never thought, ‘You nincompoop!’ of someone, or even, once or twice, actually muttered it in anger—well, I’d be a liar. If I claimed my eye had never once wandered, that, too, would be a falsehood. If I denied I am an adulterer because it’s not me but my husband who’s divorced, I’d be playing the sort of legalistic game which Jesus doesn’t seem to think much of. And if I claimed my every ‘yes’ was a wholehearted promise, then let me say now: I’ve been known to prevaricate from time to time ...

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Genesis | 'Surely God is in this place!'

Once upon a time, our ancestor Jacob went on a journey. He left the place called Beer-sheba and came to the place called Luz. It had been a long day on the road;  it was now twilight. The first stars were becoming visible in the darkling sky. So he took one of the stones of that place, a flat stone, a smooth stone, and brushed off the dirt; then he used it as a pillow ... Every God-encounter is anchored to place. So what's your place? and what's your story?

Read here, or listen here.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Matthew | Blessed discipleship

We are schooled in the blessed life for a wonderful purpose - a back-to-school reflection for students and teachers and everyone who's open to learning. Read here or listen here.

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