Monday, December 27, 2021

Luke: A story of family

In Luke's account, Jesus is born into an ever-expanding family into which we are all invited. Read here or listen here.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Mary: Prophetic, intelligent, unafraid

Mary is not a passive receptacle who is lucky enough to be carrying baby Jesus, but an intelligent woman who debates with an angel then assents to God’s call; a holy poet who bears God’s love in her womb, and in her words, and in her song.

Read here or listen here.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Where God's word comes

Once upon a time, long, long ago, I lived in Washington, DC. We went to a church which was once Harry Truman’s, then Jimmy Carter’s; and while we were there the Clintons came a couple times. Members included presidential advisors, scientists, and journalists; officers in the military and CIA staff; senior bureaucrats and retired diplomats; professors, stockbrokers, and a governor of the Federal Reserve. A lot of power was concentrated at that church, and there were some incredibly committed and godly people ...

Read here or listen here.

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